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Showing posts from January, 2024

Hackbraten - traditional German food

Weirdly my dumping is not as bad when I stick to traditional German recipes. The food I grew up with means Hackbraten, Goulasch, Rouladen - very meat and potatoe heavy diet. So today we will have Hackbraten with potatoes and mixed vegetables and I hope my body will process it as usual.  I can only assume that my body is so used to that kind of food that it can process it in every condition. 

Trying again - Pizza

I had severe dumping after Pizza last summer so I have taken it off my meal plan.  Because I was a bit better recently I decided it's time to try again. I her two slices and miraculously no problems afterwards.  I still had a low of energy and a hypoglycemia attack on the dog walk afterwards, but no severe symptoms of dumping. 

Evening snack

Of course we are not supposed to eat 2 hours before bed but sometimes I have such a craving for something in the evening. I recently discovered tortilla chips with cheese for me. So far I've burned them all but this time it finally worked and they are not coal!  I guess I will regret the cheese later but the nachos are great! Next time I'll try them with houmous. 

Trying new things - feeling adventurous today?

It's easier to try new things when the stomach is settled. Yesterday was the worst day, I wonder if I had a mild stomach bug or if the sleepless two nights have impacted my body more than I thought. The kids are ill and so am I, but only a little bit. Today was a much better day, food wise and so I tried a new snack which my husband accidentally bought.  I was always avoiding them, not only because it's an expensive brand but also because I don't like prawns. Luckily they don't taste like prawns and they are certainly worth it to find a cheaper alternative. Surprisingly tasty and my body seems to be okay with them. This time I won the digestion roulette. 

a year ago...

A year ago today I just had my 3rd pre op FLOT chemo. I remember how I felt physically but also mentally. This is really weird actually. I can remember the feelings and pain but when somebody asks me about the picc line I can't even remember that it was there. I had it in and it was annoying me for 8 months!

No time to eat

As expected Christmas was a stressful but wonderful time with little time to eat and lots of dumping and regret because I did not take my time or I ate things I shouldn't.  Today I had a cheeseburger from McDonald's which was okay, after a whole afternoon of regret after a halloumi-tomato-bagel. That's how the days are. But now I am back and I have recovered, at least a bit.  Happy New Year everybody! I'm excited to see what 2024 is giving us.