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How to explain?

The OPA is the oesophageal patient association and is one of the cancer charities which are specialised in oesophageal and gastric cancer.

They are not as prominent as the bigger names cancer research UK or Macmillan for example, but they are really helpful.

One of their free services is that they provide you with a card when you had your surgery which you can use in pubs and restaurants. It is not always easy to explain to someone that you are not able to eat big portions or an adult dish or that you need the toilet in a quick and discreet way. 

I like it a lot even though I barely ever have to use it. Usually nobody asks a question but if they would, I could show them the card and wouldn't draw to much attention to me. 

Especially the backside of it, which explains that a toilet might be needed urgently has helped me several times already. 

This card be ordered on the pages of the OPA. 
